Salute To Pakistani Soldiers !!!
May Allah rest their souls in peace !!
Major Mujahid and Captain Usman Shaheed !!!

Captain Usman Ali Age of his Daughter 2.5 month

Captain Usman Ali

Major Mujahid from 105 L/C who embraced shahadat in NATO attack on Pakistani checkpost in Salsala Village

Namaz-e-Janaza of Nato Attk Martyrs

“This is not true. Theyare making up excuses. What are their losses, casualties?” said army spokesmanMajor-General Athar Abbas
“I cannot rule outthe possibility that this was a deliberate attack by Isaf,” said Abbas. “IfIsaf was receiving fire, then they must tell us what their losses were.”
Pakistani armyofficials said the posts that were attacked were about 300 metres intoPakistani territory. Isaf officers, however, maintain that the borderin that area is disputed.
Abbas told the Guardian that the firing lasted forover an hour, and that Isaf made “no attempt” to contact the Pakistani side.
“This was a totally unprovoked attack. There are nosafe havens or hideouts left there [for militants] in Mohmand,” he said.
“This was a visible, well-made post, on top ofridges, made of concrete. Militants don’t operate from mountaintops, fromconcrete structures.”
The article, which followed a similar report by theGuardian, cited three Afghan officials and one Western official as saying theair raid was called in to shield allied forces targeting Taliban fighters.
Nato and Afghan forces “were fired on from a Pakistaniarmy base”, the unnamed Western official told the Wall Street Journal. “It wasa defensive action.”
The United States has been told by Pakistan's military leadership to evacuate a logisticallykey airbase it operates in Balochistan – Shamsie Airbase – within 15 days. In addition, pakistan's fury was driven home with an officialstatement that it will shut down Nato supply routes operating through itsterritory – something that has happened for the first time, though supplyroutes have previously been temporarily blocked unofficially following similar attacks.

Allah Almighty be with our soldiers,gives strength to all of our soldiers (ameen)
May Allah rest their souls in peace !!
Major Mujahid and Captain Usman Shaheed !!!
Captain Usman Ali Age of his Daughter 2.5 month
Captain Usman Ali
Major Mujahid from 105 L/C who embraced shahadat in NATO attack on Pakistani checkpost in Salsala Village
Namaz-e-Janaza of Nato Attk Martyrs
“This is not true. Theyare making up excuses. What are their losses, casualties?” said army spokesmanMajor-General Athar Abbas
“I cannot rule outthe possibility that this was a deliberate attack by Isaf,” said Abbas. “IfIsaf was receiving fire, then they must tell us what their losses were.”
Pakistani armyofficials said the posts that were attacked were about 300 metres intoPakistani territory. Isaf officers, however, maintain that the borderin that area is disputed.
Abbas told the Guardian that the firing lasted forover an hour, and that Isaf made “no attempt” to contact the Pakistani side.
“This was a totally unprovoked attack. There are nosafe havens or hideouts left there [for militants] in Mohmand,” he said.
“This was a visible, well-made post, on top ofridges, made of concrete. Militants don’t operate from mountaintops, fromconcrete structures.”
The article, which followed a similar report by theGuardian, cited three Afghan officials and one Western official as saying theair raid was called in to shield allied forces targeting Taliban fighters.
Nato and Afghan forces “were fired on from a Pakistaniarmy base”, the unnamed Western official told the Wall Street Journal. “It wasa defensive action.”
The United States has been told by Pakistan's military leadership to evacuate a logisticallykey airbase it operates in Balochistan – Shamsie Airbase – within 15 days. In addition, pakistan's fury was driven home with an officialstatement that it will shut down Nato supply routes operating through itsterritory – something that has happened for the first time, though supplyroutes have previously been temporarily blocked unofficially following similar attacks.
Allah Almighty be with our soldiers,gives strength to all of our soldiers (ameen)
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