Monday, June 6, 2022

What food can harm you after exercise? ... Somewhere you don't even make these mistakes

What food can harm you after exercise? ... Somewhere you don't even make these mistakes

After all, what is the reason that despite regular exercise, he is not losing weight and he is losing instead of benefiting. Let's see which foods can harm you after exercise.


When it comes to post-workout nutrition, it's important to take care of the carbohydrates, and it may be more beneficial to use bread with beans and vegetables instead of more wheat.


After exercise most people like to drink drinks made for athletes but drinks full of sugar and chemicals and milk soda or country shake can not give you much benefit but if you can get better results by using coconut water.

Salty food

After exercise, most people turn to potato chips and crisps because when you sweat, your body loses water and potassium - but these chips can be harmful to your health, even if you eat bananas before exercise. Eating can benefit you.


Some people choose coffee or tea before exercise and that's fine. In fact, it can boost performance and boost vital energy, especially in the morning. However, caffeine use after exercise can be harmful. It dehydrates the body and increases stress.


It is normal to feel thirsty after exercise but if you use sweet drink or soda here it will make your body bloat and dehydrate so if you drink plain soda instead of soda after exercise Try to use water.


Excessive exertion during exercise increases the feeling of fatigue in your body and if you like to eat cake or other sweet thing to make up for the lack of sugar in your body then it can give you instant pleasure but more Eating too much sugar can be harmful to your health.

High fiber foods

High-fiber foods after exercise can also cause harmful effects in your body. It is best not to consume such foods after exercise, but fiber foods can be used in normal times.

Spicy food

Oils and spices are often used in our meals but spicy foods after exercise can affect your digestive system so you can't get exercise results without avoiding spicy foods.

Heavy protein

Most people feel hungry after exercise and they are attracted to heavy foods but if you choose meat then you can waste your exercise and all your hard work but if you are hungry then rice Or light food is better.

Fried food

Wherever you try to keep your body fit by exercising, fried foods can cause you to lose your hard work. If you are also accustomed to using fried foods, this habit will disappear immediately. Or reduce it because they can give you nothing but indigestion, fat and various diseases.

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