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Friday, October 11, 2013
7 Food Ingredients That Are Destroying Your Mood
Food not only affects your waistline, but it can also affect how you think, act and feel emotionally. Many foods or food additives we consume can wreak major havoc on our nervous system, resulting in moodiness, fatigue, anxiety and even depression. The tiniest hidden traces of these mood-wrecking foods can leave you feeling down. Know what foods to look for to ensure your mood isn’t compromised.
White flour
The fact that white flour is bad for your health isn’t necessarily groundbreaking nutrition information. However, this powdery white substance also sneaks its way into foods like soups and salad dressing by acting as a thickening agent. Because of its empty calories and high blood glucose content, even a small amount can cause mood swings and hunger pains.
Rule of thumb: If it’s white, don’t take a single bite. Instead, choose 100% whole grains or gluten-free options.
FD & C Red No. 40
This food dye is one of the most commonly used dyes. Its sole purpose is to make food colorful and enhance the flavor, and it's hidden in everything from frosting and chips to sports drinks and fruit snacks. However, don’t let the bright color or tastes fool you: this additive is linked to hypersensitivity and ADHD among children and adults.
Rule of thumb: Don’t be misled, stay away from RED. Ensure even your favorite organic snacks are free and clear of this harmful dye.
Hydrogenated oils
Hydrogenated oils are processed oils that are used by manufacturers to extend the shelf life of products. Hydrogenated oils are also responsible for creating trans fat in foods. Trans fat is shown to increase cholesterol levels and increase weight since your body has to work extra hard to digest it. It can also cause brain fog and severe moodiness.
Rule of thumb: The shorter the expiration date, the better for your weight. (And your happiness!) Opt for products that expire within a week or two. And always choose healthy oils like organic coconut oil or organic extra virgin olive oil.
Aspartame is an ingredient used to sweeten “sugar-free” products on the market. While you might think you're doing yourself a favor by skipping the sugar, you might want to think twice. Aspartame is a chemical that has been shown to cause headaches, digestive issues and even seizures.
Rule of thumb: If it says sugar free, it most likely means hazardous chemical concoction. Instead, sweeten foods with 100% raw cane sugar, coconut sugar or raw honey.
FD & C Yellow No. 5
Our bodies aren't meant to process chemicals, and that certainly applies to this one. Yellow no. 5 is a food dye most commonly found in cookies, soft drinks and even gum. If a product contains high quantities of yellow food dye, it can give food or drinks a yellowish glow. This food dye has been linked to asthma, allergic reactions and mood disorders.
Rule of thumb: If it contains yellow, say hell NO! Always take caution before eating foods or candies that are extremely colorful, as they're more likely to contain food dyes.
Monosodium glutamate
Monosodium glutamate, also known as MSG, is commonly used in packaged foods to enhance flavor and extend shelf life. Many products like chips, soups and frozen meals contain MSG. Consuming even small amounts of this ingredient can lead to light-headedness, nausea, feelings of anxiety and weakness.
Rule of thumb: If it contains MSG, it’s no good to me! (or my body!) But be careful; the FDA(Food & Drug Administration) doesn’t require MSG to be listed as an ingredient. Always choose products that are organic or labeled “MSG Free.”
Sugar is hidden in almost every processed and packaged food, including chips, sauces, fruit juices, cereals and energy bars. Sugar is often disguised by one of its many names: dextrose, fructose, corn syrup, lactose and sucrose. Eating foods that are high in sugar can contribute to health issues such as diabetes, thyroid issues, depression and weight gain.
Rule of thumb: When sugar is a main ingredient, opt for a sweet fruit as a supplement. If you really have a fix for something sweet, opt for a healthier version of your favorite treat.
White flour
The fact that white flour is bad for your health isn’t necessarily groundbreaking nutrition information. However, this powdery white substance also sneaks its way into foods like soups and salad dressing by acting as a thickening agent. Because of its empty calories and high blood glucose content, even a small amount can cause mood swings and hunger pains.
Rule of thumb: If it’s white, don’t take a single bite. Instead, choose 100% whole grains or gluten-free options.
FD & C Red No. 40
This food dye is one of the most commonly used dyes. Its sole purpose is to make food colorful and enhance the flavor, and it's hidden in everything from frosting and chips to sports drinks and fruit snacks. However, don’t let the bright color or tastes fool you: this additive is linked to hypersensitivity and ADHD among children and adults.
Rule of thumb: Don’t be misled, stay away from RED. Ensure even your favorite organic snacks are free and clear of this harmful dye.
Hydrogenated oils
Hydrogenated oils are processed oils that are used by manufacturers to extend the shelf life of products. Hydrogenated oils are also responsible for creating trans fat in foods. Trans fat is shown to increase cholesterol levels and increase weight since your body has to work extra hard to digest it. It can also cause brain fog and severe moodiness.
Rule of thumb: The shorter the expiration date, the better for your weight. (And your happiness!) Opt for products that expire within a week or two. And always choose healthy oils like organic coconut oil or organic extra virgin olive oil.
Aspartame is an ingredient used to sweeten “sugar-free” products on the market. While you might think you're doing yourself a favor by skipping the sugar, you might want to think twice. Aspartame is a chemical that has been shown to cause headaches, digestive issues and even seizures.
Rule of thumb: If it says sugar free, it most likely means hazardous chemical concoction. Instead, sweeten foods with 100% raw cane sugar, coconut sugar or raw honey.
FD & C Yellow No. 5
Our bodies aren't meant to process chemicals, and that certainly applies to this one. Yellow no. 5 is a food dye most commonly found in cookies, soft drinks and even gum. If a product contains high quantities of yellow food dye, it can give food or drinks a yellowish glow. This food dye has been linked to asthma, allergic reactions and mood disorders.
Rule of thumb: If it contains yellow, say hell NO! Always take caution before eating foods or candies that are extremely colorful, as they're more likely to contain food dyes.
Monosodium glutamate
Monosodium glutamate, also known as MSG, is commonly used in packaged foods to enhance flavor and extend shelf life. Many products like chips, soups and frozen meals contain MSG. Consuming even small amounts of this ingredient can lead to light-headedness, nausea, feelings of anxiety and weakness.
Rule of thumb: If it contains MSG, it’s no good to me! (or my body!) But be careful; the FDA(Food & Drug Administration) doesn’t require MSG to be listed as an ingredient. Always choose products that are organic or labeled “MSG Free.”
Sugar is hidden in almost every processed and packaged food, including chips, sauces, fruit juices, cereals and energy bars. Sugar is often disguised by one of its many names: dextrose, fructose, corn syrup, lactose and sucrose. Eating foods that are high in sugar can contribute to health issues such as diabetes, thyroid issues, depression and weight gain.
Rule of thumb: When sugar is a main ingredient, opt for a sweet fruit as a supplement. If you really have a fix for something sweet, opt for a healthier version of your favorite treat.
90+ Activities To Reduce Stress
1. Get up 15 minutes earlier |
2. Prepare for the morning the night before |
3. Avoid tight fitting clothes |
4. Avoid relying on chemical aids |
5. Set appointments ahead |
6. Don't rely on your memory ... write it down |
7. Practice preventive maintenance |
8. Make duplicate keys |
9. Say "no" more often |
10.Set priorities in your life |
11. Avoid negative people |
12. Use time wisely |
13. Simplify meal times |
14. Always make copies of important papers |
15. Anticipate your needs |
16.. Repair anything that doesn't work properly |
17. Ask for help with the jobs you dislike |
18. Break large tasks into bite size portions |
19. Look at problems as challenges |
20. Look at challenges differently |
21. Un-clutter your life |
22. Smile |
23. Be prepared for rain |
24. Tickle a baby |
25. Pet a friendly dog/cat |
26. Don't know all the answers |
27. Look for a silver lining |
28. Say something nice to someone |
29. Teach a kid to fly a kite |
30. Walk in the rain |
31. Schedule play time into every day |
32. Take a bubble bath |
33. Be aware of the decisions you make |
34. Believe in yourself |
35. Stop saying negative things to yourself |
36. Visualize yourself winning |
37. Develop your sense of humor |
38. Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better today |
39. Have goals for yourself |
40. Get enough sleep |
41. Say "hello" to a stranger |
42. Ask a friend for a hug |
43. Look up at the stars |
44. Practice breathing slowly |
45. Practice a monster smile |
46. Keep a journal |
47. Quit trying to fix other people |
48. Have a support network of people, places and things |
49. Read a story curled up in bed |
50. Do a brand new thing |
51. Stop a bad habit |
52. Buy yourself a flower |
53. Take time to small the flowers |
54. Find support from others |
55. Ask someone to be your "vent-partner" |
56. Do it today |
57. Work at being cheerful and optimistic |
58. Put safety first |
59. Do everything in moderation |
60. Pay attention to your appearance |
61. Strive for Excellence NOT perfection |
62. Stretch your limits a little each day |
63. Look at a work of art |
64. Talk less and listen more |
65. Maintain your weight |
66. Plant a tree |
67. Feed the birds |
68. Practice grace under pressure |
69. Stand up and stretch |
70. Always have a plan "B" |
71. Learn a new doodle |
72. Memorize a joke |
73. Be responsible for your feelings |
74. Learn to meet your own needs |
75. Become a better listener |
76. Know your limitations and let others know them, too |
77. Tell someone to have a good day in Latin |
78. Throw a paper airplane |
79. Exercise every day |
80. Freely praise other people |
81. Get to work early |
82. Clean out one closet |
83. Play patty cake with a toddler |
84. Go on a picnic |
85. Take a different route to work |
86. Leave work early (with permission) |
87. Put air freshener in your car |
88.. Eat popcorn |
89. Write a note to a far away friend |
90. Go to a ball game and scream |
91. Cook a meal and eat it by candlelight |
92. Recognize the importance of unconditional love |
93. Remember that stress is an attitude 94. Remember God several times a day. |
95. Remember you always have options |
ملالہ یوسف زئی ۔۔۔سوشل میڈیا کی نظر میں
بہادر بیٹی کے طور پر پیش کیا جا رہا ہے ۔اسکولوں ، کالجوں اور گھروں میں اس کی جلد صحت یابی کے لیے دُعائیں مانگی جا رہی ہیں۔سوشل میڈیا بھی اس سلسلے میں کسی سے پیچھے نہیں ۔بہت سوں نے ملالہ کو خراج ِ تحسین پیش کرنے کے لیے فیس بک پر اپنی پروفائل پکچر کی جگہ ملالہ کی تصویر ڈسپلے کر رکھی ہے۔شاعروں نے نظمیں لکھی ہیں۔ادبیوں نے مذمتی قراردادیں اپنے اسٹیٹس پر آویزاں کر رکھی ہیں۔بہت سوں کا خیال ہے کہ ملالہ کو باقاعدہ ”قوم کی بیٹی“ کے خطاب سے نوازا جائے۔اسے امن کا نوبل انعام دیے جانے کا بھی مطالبہ کیا ہے لیکن کچھ لوگ ایسے بھی ہیں جو ملالہ پر حملے کو ایک الگ زاویے سے دیکھنے کی کوشش کر رہے ہیں ۔ایک صاحب نے لکھا ہے کہ ملالہ کی ”گل مکئی ڈائری “ کا معمہ حل ہو گیا ۔یہ ڈائری ایک غیرملکی ادارے کا مقامی نامہ نگار لکھتا رہا ہے ۔چوتھی جماعت میں پڑھنے والی ایک بچی اوباما کے بارے میں کتنا جان سکتی ہے کہ اسے اپنا آئیڈیل قرار دے۔ایک کالم نویس نے ”گل لالہ بمقابلہ ملالہ“ کے عنوان سے لکھا ہے کہ ”ملالہ یوسف زئی پر حملے پر تلملانے اور آنسو بہانے والے ڈرامے بازو، کیا تمہیں وزیرستان میں ڈرون اور جیٹ حملوں میں شہید ہونے والی معصوم بچیاں دکھائی نہیں دیتیں۔ایک صاحب نے ملالہ کی ڈائری سے یہ جملہ بھی نقل کیا ہے ” برقعہ پتھر کے دور کی نشانی ہے “ واللہ علم باالصواب۔ جتنے منہ ، اتنی باتیں۔کوئی کہتا ہے کہ اگر ملالہ پر یہی حملہ کراچی میں ہوا ہوتا تو کیا اسے اتنی زیادہ کوریج ملتی ؟عافیہ صدیقی بھی تو قوم کی بیٹی ہے ۔ اس پر ہونے والے امریکی مظالم پر خاموشی کیوں ؟ ڈرون حملوں اور لال مسجد میں شہید ہونے والی معصوم بچیوں کا ماتم کون کرے گا؟کہیں ایسا تو نہیں کہ ملالہ یوسف زئی پر حملے کی آڑ میں کوئی اور کھیل کھیلا جا رہا ہو
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