Friday, October 11, 2013

Allah's Pharmacy

5 Ways to Whiten the Dark Neck Skin...

The skin on the neck often looks darker. This problem is usually caused by impurities that linger on the skin of the neck. The neck actually has many folds that create dust and dirt easily trapped in it. But after being rubbed, dark colors that will not go away? Here are some tips to whiten the dark neck.

1. Lemon
Lemon not only removes dead skin cells, but it also helps to cleanse the skin. Massage the neck with a piece of lemon on a regular basis. It will dissolve dirt and also whitens your neck.

2. Moisturizing
To keep the neck clean and soft, always apply a body lotion, cream or moisturizer to the neck after a shower. To remove dirt from the folds of the neck, apply a body lotion and massage a bit harsh. Leave for 2-3 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

3. Massage with Water Starch
Air starch is an effective medicine to cleanse and whiten the neck. Massage the neck with starch water for 10 minutes before showering. Then rinse thoroughly.

4. Yogurt and a Sponge Bath
To remove dirt in the neck, neck rubs regularly two or three times a week. This is one of the most important solutions to whiten the dark neck. Dip a sponge bath in a bowl of yogurt and neck massage with it. You can also add a few drops of lemon to get maximum results. Rub the neck for 5 minutes before bathing.

5. Lemon and Salt
Exfoliation can help remove dead skin cells and also whiten your skin. Cut the lemon and place in a bowl of salt. Rub gently on the neck and leave on for 2-3 minutes. Rinse with warm water and then wipe the neck.

This is the natural way to whiten the dark neck skin. Pretty easy, is not it?

Healthy tips for DIABETICS

Healthy tips for DIABETICS :

(simple natural tips which can b followed easily) 

1. Eat food at fixed hours. 
2. Do not eat immediately after a workout. 
3. Do not overeat. 
4. If you are on insulin, make sure you have three 
proper meals with light snacks in between. 
5. Do not eat fast; masticate and munch your food well before you swallow. 
6. Drink a lot of water that will help flush the toxins 
off your system. 
7. Make sure the gaps between your meals are 
8. Avoid fried foods and sweetmeats. 
9. Include fresh vegetable salad in every meal. 
10. Have at least 20 to 25 grams of raw onion daily. 
11.Do atleast 1 hour exercise daily. 
12. Add wheat bran to your wheatflour (50% wheatflour + 50% wheat bran). This helps increase fibre in your diet.!!